Famous Quotes about Listening

Read our life Quotes about Listening which have been selected specifically for this topic and subject. Short and famous quotes about Listening including quotes from famous people and celebrities. A good selection of short, meaningful, famous quotes about Listening which can be used for a variety of uses. Use the Listening quotes in birthday cards or special occasions or celebrations. Our short, meaningful, famous quotes about Listening which can be used everyday in all sorts of situations.


Meaningful Quotes about Listening

We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak. - Epictetus

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. - Winston Churchill

I'm always relieved when someone is delivering a eulogy and I realize I'm listening to it.
George Carlin

In the night of death, hope sees a star, and listening love can hear the rustle of a wing.
Robert Green Ingersoll

I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen.
Ernest Hemingway

Children have never been good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them. - James Baldwin

Leadership to me means duty, honor, country. It means character, and it means listening from time to time.
George W. Bush

There are two good rules which ought to be written on every heart - never to believe anything bad about anybody unless you positively know it to be true; never to tell even that unless you feel that it is absolutely necessary, and that God is listening.
Henry Van Dyke

No one knows who is listening, say nothing you would not wish put in the newspapers.
Charles Spurgeon

I cannot think that we are useless or God would not have created us. There is one God looking down on us all. We are all the children of one God. The sun, the darkness, the winds are all listening to what we have to say.

Of all human activities, man's listening to God is the supreme act of his reasoning and will.
Pope Paul VI


Famous Quotes about Listening
Read our Famous Life Quotes about Listening which have been selected specifically for this topic and subject. Short and famous life quotes about Listening including life quotes from famous people and celebrities. A good selection of short, meaningful, famous life quotes about Listening which can be used for a variety of uses. Use the Listening quotes in birthday cards or special occasions or celebrations. Our short, meaningful, famous life quotes about Listening which can be used everyday in all sorts of situations.


Short Life Quotes about Listening

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